1. An Infant Seal is Known as a Pup

2. The only freshwater seal in the world is the Baikal seal

2. The only freshwater seal in the world is the Baikal seal

3. The largest living seal on the planet is the Southern elephant seal. Its length is 22.5 feet.

4.The smallest seal  is the Baikal seal  (Phoca sibirica),  which can grow to a length of 1.1–1.4 meters (3.6–4.6 feet) .

weighs between 50 and 130 kilograms (110 and 290 pounds).

5. On average seals live for between 25 to 30 years in the wild.

6. Blubber lies on top of the outer fur and skin. This fatty substance is essential for seals' staying warm in subfreezing temperatures.

7. Seal mothers and their young communicate exclusively through a unique sound. This connection endures until they are unintentionally or intentionally split apart.

8. On average, a seal can go 90 minutes without breathing. Being mammals, they lack gills that allow them to breathe underwater.

9. Seals eat other animals. When they're in need, they devour a lot of fish, shellfish, penguins, and even one another!

10. monk seal, elephant seal, and grey seal are types of seals.

11. Seals don’t have legs and hands instead of this they have hindflipper and foreflipper