INTERESTING FACTS Royal Bengal Tigers.

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  1. Tigers are the largest among other wild cats.

You probably knew that Royal Bengal Tigers are the largest amongst other wild cats but did you also know that the male Tigers weigh up to 300 kilograms? Jezz! That’s like weighing a group of six average humans. All they have to do is sit on top of you licking their paws, you’d be dead instantly.

The Illustrious Bengal Tiger is renowned for living in the Sundarban backwoods, a mangrove woods in India’s Sundarban Delta. The Sundarban Tiger Save is a 10,000-square-kilometer safeguarded region that is home to the world’s biggest convergence of tigers and is likewise one of the final living spaces for this imperiled species.

They are, however, primarily found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.

2. A punch from a Tiger may kill you.

If you have a pet Tiger and a vicious opponent, you might as well throw them into a fist battle, even putting away the tiger’s immense size. Just kidding, it’s against the law to keep a tiger as a pet. One swipe from a tiger’s front hand is considered to be sufficient to kill an individual or an animal, or at the least to break one’s bones.

3. Tigers are nocturnal animals.

Although it is not true that all tigers hunt at night, they prefer to do so for the majority of their hunting activity. This is because tigers prefer to avoid fighting with people during the day and patrol their area at night.

4. Tiger cubs are born blind and only half of the cubs survive.

The most heartbreaking aspect is that only a small percentage of blind tiger kittens survive. The young cubs have no vision and can only follow their mother’s smell. Most of them perish from hunger or cold since they are born blind and are unable to keep up. Male Tigers have even been known to consume some to free up the Tigress for mating. Just ridiculous, that!

5. Tigers love to swim and play in the water.

Unlike domestic cats, the bigger counterpart of this animal enjoys being in the water and can swim for extended periods. Since they raise cubs, mother tigers support or teach their young how to hunt, and they may even kill in the water. It is stated that they can swim for many kilometers as adults; one has even been seen swimming for 30 kilometers in a single day.

6. Tigers live for about 25 years.

Whether they are housed in captivity or the wild, tigers have a lifespan of 20 to 25 years. However, the majority passed away before the age of 20, like in the case of Machli who was 19 when she died at Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, India. Flavel, a circus-rescued Tiger that was housed in a zoo in Tampa, Florida, was the oldest living Tiger as of yet at 25 years old.

7.  A group of Tigers is called an ambush or streak.

The Tigers are referred to as ambushes or streaks when they are placed in artificial settings where they must share or remain in place beneath specific locations in a man-made environment. Even a Tigress with her pups is referred to as an ambush.

8. Tigers can mate with other big cats.

Tigers may also breed with other large cats; for instance, if a male mate with a female lion, the resultant creature is called a tigon. They are the biggest species of cat and have the potential to grow larger than the Liger, a cross between a male Lion and a female Tiger. A liger stands around 6 feet tall when standing and is roughly 4.5 feet tall when on all four legs.

9.  Amur tigers (sometimes called Siberian tigers) are the biggest tigers.

Amur tigers (sometimes called Siberian tigers) are the biggest tigers, with males weighing up to 660 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet long from nose to tip of the tail.


10. Sumatran tigers are the smallest of the tiger subspecies. 

The smallest tiger subspecies are those found in Sumatra. No two tigers have an identical coat pattern of stripes, much like a person’s fingerprint. These characteristics can be used by researchers to recognize tigers in the wild. The tiger is a skilled swimmer.


11. A lot of tigers snooze.
Tigers spend most of the day sleeping since they hunt the majority of the time at night. A tiger may sleep for a maximum of 18 hours nonstop. Rarely do they go hunting during the day. It’s unquestionably one of the tiger facts demonstrating how similar to our domestic cats they are.

12. Tigers may starve to death.
Without food, humans might survive for 30 to 40 days. Without sufficient nutrition, tigers might starve to death in two weeks. This is mostly because of its enormous size and hunger.


  1. An earthworm is a tiny, long, thin animal that lives in the dirt and has neither legs nor eyes.

2. Worms Don’t Have Lungs and Breathe Through Their Skin.

Oxygen is required by all living things. Because they lack a nose, worms are unable to breathe through their mouths. Worms have a thin layer of porous skin in place of lungs, which allows oxygen from the air to flow through. Oxygen is broken down by the mucus on a worm’s skin. Consequently, the worm bin’s moisture level must be sufficient. A worm suffocates if it becomes dry. Similar to humans, worms drown in very wet environments.

3. Worms Are Cold Blooded and Have 5 Hearts.

Because worms are cold-blooded, they can’t regulate their temperature like mammals can. This means their body temperature will be the same as their surroundings.

Worms do not have a multi-chambered heart like mammals and reptiles do. Instead, they have 5 single-chambered aortic arches (functions similar to a heart) that pump blood through their body. The 5 hearts are close to the head of the worm.

4. A worm can live up to 8 years, however, the average life span is only about 2 years.

Depending on the species, worms have a broad range of life expectancies. Some worm species can survive up to 4–8 years in a safe, stable environment. The predators of worms are numerous in the wild. A composting worm’s lifespan is typically between two and three years.

5. South African-born Microchaetus rappi is the world’s longest earthworm.

Microchaetus rappi, a South African species, is the longest earthworm. On a road between Alice and King William’s Town in 1967, a massive specimen was discovered that was 20 mm (0.8 in) in diameter and 6.7 m (21 ft) long when fully stretched.

6. The Chaetogaster Annandale is the shortest earthworm.

With a length of less than 0.5 mm (0.02 in), Chaetogaster Annandale is the shortest earthworm.

7. About 6,000 Different Types of Earthworms Exist.

Worms are present on all continents except Antarctica. There are about 6,000 species of earthworms. Earthworms are an invasive species. Their introduction can alter many different variables in the soil ecosystem.

8. They travel underground by tightening their body muscles.

Adults have the strength to push ten times their own weight in bulk. Different muscles alternately shorten and lengthen their body, creating a wave-like movement in their tube-in-a-tube body. This movement is caused by the contraction and relaxation of various muscles.

They have the ability to generate mucus that makes it easier for them to float through the earth when digging

9. Most of them are hermaphrodites.

The majority of earthworms are hermaphrodites, which means they possess both the male and female worms’ sex organs. This is a fairly amazing method of reproduction since it allows both partners to share genetic material and pass it on, basically doubling the benefits of mating.

However, some of these copulations can endure for up to 200 minutes, so it’s definitely a good idea to make the most of it.

10. They consume trash! from the soil.

Plant leaves progressively degrade as they fall off in the fall or when we compost our vegetable leftovers. Because it happens so frequently, we almost take it for granted, yet the process is actually ongoing.

Earthworms are among the most important of the many microorganisms and animals that participate in this process. Without them, leaves and other things would just lay about on the ground. This is what we often refer to as leaf litter, and earthworms love to eat it. 

11. Earthworms modify soil.

The nutrient-rich dung that sits on the soil’s surface and is easily accessible to plants is produced by earthworm burrows as they mix soil layers, aerate the substrate, and break down complex organic materials. Additionally, this promotes the structural integrity of the plant-growing medium and prevents soil erosion.

They are therefore essential to the development of our plants and our food. Without earthworms, soil density would gradually rise as well, limiting roots’ capacity to breathe and absorb water.