Jewish New Year begins Friday, September 15 evening at sunset. The start of Rosh Hashanah 2023 is on Friday, September 15, and lasts until sundown on Sunday, September 17, 2023

Rosh Hashanah happens toward the beginning of Tishrei when God is said to have made the world. Hence, Rosh Hashanah should be visible as the birthday of the world

As per custom, God judges all creatures during the 10 Days of Stunningness between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

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Jews all across the world, but especially in Israel, observe the occasion with appreciation and grandeur.

The Hebrew term for this holy day is Yom Teruah. it’s the “beginning of the new year”

The two-day Rosh Hashanah celebration and observance starts on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year, and lasts two days.

According to Jewish traditions, Rosh Hashanah heralds the start of the civil year and is also the customary anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman according to the Hebrew Bible, and the beginning of humanity’s place in God’s creation.

In the Jewish calendar, it is the start of the year 5784.

Prayer, synagogue services, contemplation, symbolic meals, and the sound of the shofar are all used to mark the event.

apples dipped in honey to symbolize a sweet new year. One of the most well known Rosh Hashanah customs includes eating apple cuts dunked in honey, at times in the wake of saying an exceptional petition. Antiquated Jews accepted apples had mending properties, and honey the expectation that the new year will be sweet

  • Pomegranate.
  • Honey Cake…
  • Fish.
  • Couscous with Seven Vegetables.
  • Leeks, Chard or Spinach. …
  • Dates.
  1. “Shana Tova Umetuka” – A Sweet New Year: …
  2. “L’Shanah Tovah” – For a Good Year: …
  3. “G’mar Chatimah Tovah” – A Prayer for Good Fate: ..
  4. are the way to wish the new year

Who is a Jew?

One who practices Judaism is referred to as a Jew.

what is Judaism?

An Abrahamic, monotheistic, and ethnic religion is Judaism (Hebrew: Yahă). It includes all the Jewish people’s collective spiritual, cultural, and legal traditions. they originated in the Middle East during the Bronze Age as a formal religion. Around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, Yahwism, the cultic religious movement of ancient Israel and Judah, gave rise to modern Judaism.

God in Judaism

Jehovah is a Latinization of the Hebrew name for God, Yahweh.  Jehovah is one of the seven names of God in Judaism

Judaism traditionally claims that Yahweh, the national god of the Israelites and the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and handed them the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Religious symbols in Judaism

Religious symbols in Judaism indicated a sign, yet additionally a noticeable strict badge of the connection between God and humans.


Torah the holy book of Judaism

The Torah is “Guidance”, “Educating” or “Regulation”) is the assemblage of the initial five books of the Jewish Book of Scriptures, or “Law”) is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Torah is known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses It is also known as the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh.

The Star of David

The Star of David is a representation of both the Jewish people as a whole and of Judaism as a religion. It is also believed to be King David’s shield or at least his insignia. Jewish legend connects the emblem to King Solomon’s “Seal of Solomon,” a mystical signet ring he used to command demons and spirits.

Jewish legend also connects the sign to a magical shield that King David had and used to defend himself from foes. The Star of David became the emblem of Jewish communities after their freedom during the French Revolution. The Israeli flag has the star.


One of the most recognizable images of Judaism, the menorah is a seven-outfitted candelabra that addresses the province of Israel as a “light upon countries.” Strangely, the menorah that is utilized to observe Hanukkah has nine arms rather than seven so we can light a candle for every evening of the celebration. In fact talking, a menorah for Hanukkah is a “Hanukkiah,” however most everybody simply calls it a menorah.

Four Species

Addresses the celebration of Sukkot. Frequently a backup of the Menorahblem


An old melodic horn normally made of a slam’s horn, utilized for Jewish strict purposes

Shofar is a symbol of the High Holy Days. used as a ceremonial tool to formally usher in the new year. In Judaism, a shofar is an instrument produced using the horn of a slam or other fit creature. It is played like a trumpet and is otherwise called the Jewish smash’s horn. The shofar is utilized during Jewish High Occasions to remind individuals to zero in on otherworldly subjects

The shofar is utilized at significant Jewish public and strict events. In scriptural times, it was utilized to:
1-Sound the time of rest
2-Report the New Moon
3-Declare the blessing of another lord
4-Assemble individuals

Jewish regulation expects that the shofar be blown multiple times on every day of Rosh Hashanah. By custom, it is blown 100 or multiple times on every day.

The shofar represents:
Foretelling the approaching of the Savior
The finish of the current world request
The initiation of God’s rule of nobility all through the world
A recovered Israel driving all individuals in recognizing that God is One and His name One
A sign of the slam forfeited by Abraham instead of Isaac during the Limiting of Isaac


dreidel is a four-sided turning top played during the Jewish occasion of Hanukkah. The dreidel is a Jewish variation on the teetotum,

Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the Jewish letters in order: נ‎ (religious woman), ג‎ (gimel), ה‎ (hei), ש‎ (shin). These letters are addressed in Yiddish as a memory helper for the guidelines of a betting game got from teetotum played with a dreidel: religious recluse represents the word


A tallit is a bordered piece of clothing worn as a request cloak by strict Jews. The tallit has unique twined and tied edges known as tzitzit joined to its four corners. The fabric part is known as the beaded (“piece of clothing”) and is typically produced using fleece or cotton, in spite of the fact that silk is in some cases utilized for a tallit gadol.


The little, round head covering worn by Jews is known as a Yarmulke in Yiddish, or a Kippah in Hebrew. It fills in as an update that there is consistently somebody above you. Standard guys by and large wear a Kippah consistently,


A siddur is a Jewish prayer book containing a set order of daily prayers. The word siddur comes from the Hebrew root


is a piece of material recorded with explicit Hebrew stanzas from the Torah, which Jewish devotees of Rabbinical Judaism join to the doorposts of their homes.These sections are the Scriptural entries where the utilization of a mezuzah is instructed (Deuteronomy they likewise structure part of the Shema prayer.(Jewish supplication (known as the Shema) that fills in as a focal point of the morning and night Jewish petitioning God administrations)In standard Rabbinic Judaism, a mezuzah should commonly be set in each entryway in the home


known as a Torah pointer, used by the reader to follow the text during the parchment Torah from the parchment Torah  Torah scrolls. It is often shaped like a long rod, capped by a small hand with its index finger pointing from it


The hamsa is a palm-molded image involved by Jews and different religions as a defensive ornament to avoid the “stink eye.” A few Jews consider the topsy-turvy hand to address the hand of God.

these are holy symbols in Judaism

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